Monday, December 29, 2008

Barrier, Brewer and Calendar

This week I include an entry connected to the date of last weeks entry, plus one related to a great beverage (with a link to a nifty store) and a term found in many supernaturally related tales.


kekkai (spiritual barrier) 結界

sakaya (sake brewer and dealer) 酒屋

tōji (winter solstice) 冬至

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Girl, Photo, Catch 'Em

This week I include one for a famous genre and two for amusements that pop up again and again in anime and manga.

mahō shōjo (magical girl) 魔法少女

Purinto kurabu (Print Club) プリント倶楽部

UFO Catcher (crane game) UFOキャッチャー

The last two I could not have done without the information in an excellent little book that is just hitting bookstores in the US:

Ashcraft, Brian and Jean Snow
Arcade Mania: The Turbo-Charged World of Japan's Game Centers
Tokyo: Kodansha International, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

New supplement topics added

I've updated the Topical Index to The Anime Companion Supplement

I have under :

- Created a seperate section for the business types found in the sex trade.
Business - The Sex Trade - Business Types

- divided Literature/Folk Tales into:
- Literature/Folk Tales - Traditional/Pre-1868

- Literature/Folk Tales - Modern/Post-1868

- divided Music into:
- Music - General

- Music - Instrument

- divided Transportation into:
- Transportation - General

- Transportation - Means Of

- subdivided Animal into types, as these divisions are small there are no direct links yet.
- Animal

Religion/Mythology/Belief - added a section for:
- Sects/Movements

- A whole new section subdivided into:

- Fanish

- Queer

- Sexual

- divided Weapon into:
- Weapon - Traditional

- Weapon - Modern

Monday, December 8, 2008

Chants, kinship terms and special effects

This week I've got some Buddhist terminology, a kinship term that also functions as queer slang and a contraction that became a term not only for a cinematic technique but for a genre of entertainment.

So here you are:

darani (dhāranī) 陀羅尼

onêsama (big sister) お姉様 or お姉さま

tokusatsu (special effects) 特撮

That's it for now, I past my lunchtime and an getting hungry.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Aquatic services and queer slang

Ok this week I get a little obscure, but stuff I feel folks may have an interest in. I also want to counter some bad info on these on the web.

So anywat here you are.

funa manjû 船饅頭

neko (queer slang) ネコ or ねこ

tachi (top/butch) タチ or たち

As usual drop a not in the comments box about what you think and if you have suggestions.