Monday, August 17, 2009

Take out, spooky and offering.

I have a new subcategory in the topical index Business - Food & Restaurants.

This week I have a food service related entry, a spooky tale custom and something to bring to bring to a Japanese funeral.

bentô-ya (bentô shop) 弁当屋

hyakumonogatari (100 stories) 百物語

kôden (incense money) 香奠

There is actually a bit of a theme this week, two of the entries have references from 20th Century Boys manga. I'll put up a review of the first 20th Century Boys live action movie soon, I went to see it in San Francisco at the Viz Cinema theater in the New People building in Japantown on Saturday.

This blog entry typed to T-Rex's 20th Century Boy.

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