On our morning walk we found this small shrine dedicated to entertainment on Rokku Broadway, a street famous for entertainment.
There are six statues each symbolizing a form of entertainment. I recognized the 5th one on the right front as Enoken and assumed the other were modeled on famous people. Apparently most were however I could not find information on the specific individuals other than the first one.
The six forms of entertainment are:
utaigami = song modeled on Shiyouji Tarou
kanadegami = playing music
hanashigami = storytelling
odokegami = daidogei (street entertainment)
engigami = performance modeled on Enoken (Kenichi Enomoto)
odorigami = dance (largely hidden behind the torii pillar).
After we got back to the ryokan we met up with Ono Masahiro who had been such a major help with the kanji in my third book The Anime Companion 2. He had offered to be our guide for the day showing us some of the shops in the Jimbocho neighborhood of Kanda. This area is famous for having over 140 bookshops in one neighborhood. Ono-san was the best dressed member of our motly crew of explorers and had done a great job of researching where we were going.
One of the shops we visited was Subunso which had a great selection of books in European languages at great prices.
This photo is on one of the levels of the store and shows shelves of books and sets, often encyclopedias, neatly stacked on the floor. There were even sets stacked along the wall of the stairway.
Steven has a great interest in the supernatural tales found in folklore and there was one shop that had a great window display of books illustrating such tales. This image was taken by him from the street.
After walking quite a bit Ono-san and I had to stop and rest. Jimbocho is a neighborhood I want to visit again and explore more of the streets and shops.
Not many photos today, however there will be more tomorrow so check back then.
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